There was a predominance of men (81.8%) and blunt trauma (92.0%). Median Injury Severity Score was 13 (range 1-75) and inpatient mortality was 6.3%. Mean difference (ABG-VBG) and LOA between paired arterial and venous measurements were 0.036 (LOA -0.048 to 0.12 for pH, -1.27 mmol/L (LOA -4.35 to 1.81) for BD, -0.64 mmol/L (LOA -1.86 to 0.57) for lactate and -1.97 mmol/L (LOA -5.49 to 1.55) for bicarbonate. Independent assessment of the VBG 'false negative' cases (n=2 suggested an ABG would change circulatory man