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LINE 的网络版本进一步证明了其多功能性。它保证您可以从任何带有网络浏览器的设备访问您的消息和通话,而无需下载任何软件。 ,您也可以保持互动。网络版本保证您始终保持联系,绝不会错过重要消息。
This paper identifies factors influencing differences in the prevalence of diarrhea, fever and acute respiratory infection (ARI), and health seeking behavior among caregivers of children under age five in rural Tanzania. Using cross-sectional survey data collected in Kilombero, Ulanga, and Rufiji districts, the analysis included 1,643 caregivers who lived with 2,077 children under five years old. Logistic multivariate and multinomial regressions were used to analyze factors related to disease prevalence and to health seeking beh