5years (SD 10.2) and mean disease duration 7.5years (SD 7.5). Thirty-two patients (64% of PsA patients) fulfilled ACR criteria for fibromyalgia. The mean scores of MASES, PSQI, MAF and PsAQoL were significantly higher in patients with fibromyalgia (P.05). The correlations between FIQ and other functional parameters were as follows; MASES (ρ=0.71, P.0005), PSQI (ρ=0.62, P.0005), MAF (ρ=0.60, P.0005), PsAQoL (ρ=0.61, P.0005). A moderate correlation was existing between FIQ and DAS-28 (ρ=0.42, P=.03). Coexistence of fi