The mean age (SD) of cases was 72.42 (16.06) in the control group, 64.52 (12.965) in IVIg, 63.40 (17.57) in infliximab and 64.00 (11.679) in combination therapy; ( = 0.047, 0.031 and 0.11, respectively). Also, 37% in the infliximab group, 26.1% in IVIg, 45.5% in combination therapy, and 62.8% in the control group expired (all 0.05). Hazard ratios were 0.31 in IVIg (95% CI 0.12-0.76, = 0.01), 0.30 in infliximab (95% CI 0.13-0.67, = 0.004), 0.39 in combination therapy (95% CI 0.12-1.09, = 0.071). According to the findings of this