Most people who try to repair Credit on their own don't understand HOW they plan on getting the items Removed and MOST will use a Template Based Letter that they find "somewhere" online. Follow this link
Most people who try to repair Credit on their own don't understand HOW they plan on getting the items Removed and MOST will use a Template Based Letter that they find "somewhere" online. Follow this link
Back in the early 2000's this Method actually used to be effective, because you could easily send in a Direct Dispute to the Creditor with your statement and most Creditors would delete the Late Payment as a favor. Follow this link
Before we cover how to use The CEO Method, it's VITAL that you understand the other most commonly used Dispute Techniques by other Consumers and Credit Repair companies. Follow this link
Simply disputing and requesting validation is enough to show that you are aware of your rights. In addition, it’s not your responsibility to inform a debt collector of the debt collector’s responsibilities. Follow this link