If you already have the Wavlink app installed, ensure your device is connected to it. First, just head over to the Wavlink app on your smartphone and select the menu then, go to the general settings. For that, you just need to tap on the general settings. In general, scroll down until you find the reset feature and to the Wavlink AC1200 repeater again. Just tap on it to erase the full system. Take the Wavlink expert assistance from the backup images. Or take help from Wavlink experts. Once we reboot the extender we need to check while the Setup of the extender is done well. This helps enable you to know whether your Wavlink AC1200 repeater Setup has a successful connection with your main existing Route.
Visit: https://wifiwavlink.net/wavlink-ac1200-setup/

Wavlink AC1200 Setup | wifi.wavlink.com AC1200 Repeater

Wavlink AC1200 Setup | wifi.wavlink.com AC1200 Repeater

Wavlink AC1200 setup in easy steps. Chat with us or talk to us about the same. We will guide you on how you can set up the Wavlink AC1200 extender using a router or mobile.