36 Å, O-H = 0.78 Å; C13H8OS-OCH3 has C-O = 1.44 Å, O-H =1.10 Å; C13H8OS-OC2H5 has C-O = 1.45 Å, C-C = 1.51Å, C-H = 1.10 Å. The transition temperature (T) for C13H8OS-H was 500 K less then T less then 562 K; C13H8OS-Br was 442 K less then T less then 512 K; C13H8OS-OH was 487 K less then T less then 543 K; C13H8OS-OCH3 was 492 K less then T less then 558 K; and C13H8OS-OC2H5 was 492 K less then T less then 572 K. The energy bandgap (Eg) of Br is of Eg = 1.621 eV, the doping of side chain groups H, OH, OCH3, and OC2H5, leads to an