21 week ago - Translate

Retraction "Ethanolic extract of leaf of Dillenia pentagynareduces in-vitro cell migration and induces intrinsic pathway of apoptosis via downregulation of NF-κβ in human NSCLC A549 cells", by Debapriya De, Priyanka Chowdhury, Sujogya K. Panda, and Utpal Ghosh, J Cell Biochem. 2019; 19841-19857 The above article, published online on 18 July 2019 in Wiley Online Library (https//onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jcb.29289) has been retracted by agreement between the journal's Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Christian Behl, and Wiley Perio