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24, SD = 2.97) and useful (M = 7.07, SD = 3.0, and very easy to understand (M = 9.50, SD = 0.97) on Likert-type scales ranging from 1 to 10. In terms of intervention effects, there was a small effect of the gain-framed intervention (b = .58, SE = .93, CI = -1.33, 2.48, Cohen's d = .26) on HIV/STI risk transmission. There was a small-medium effect of both the loss- (b = 2.00, SE = .90, CI = .15, 3.85, Cohen's d = 1.46) and gain-framed (b = 2.24, SE = .93, CI = .34, 4.15, Cohen's d = 1.65) interventions on condom use motivation. Finally, there was