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在日常生活方面,破產人士的生活須盡量簡樸。除非有充份理由,否則一般都不可以乘坐的士、申請貸款、買車、買樓、投資基金、購買名貴物品等,亦不可以為破產前已簽訂的人壽或儲蓄保險保單供款。如有需要,破產管理署的職員有機會前往其的居所進行檢查。 Provided that you can easily handle the month to month payments, you will discover lenders that will let you have many particular loans The identical critique requirements are placed on your software for a 2nd loan as the initial. Lenders will think about your earnings, existing debts and credit rating to determine no matter whether it is possible to efficiently repay the loan. Bottom line 小額借款,臨時周轉,免押證件,息低保密,手續簡便,借錢不求人,還款好輕鬆。 有工作來就借,小額借貸,現金週轉便利站,安心借輕