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Results Phase-1 yielded nine items for USS. In phase-2, EFA indicated the construct validity of the main 20-item measure (RMSEA=0.06 and SRMR=0.04) and the nine-item USS (RMSEA=0.07and SRMR =0.04), and the reliability and convergent/divergent validity were confirmed. In phase-3, EFA (RMSEA=0.07 and SRMR=0.04) and CFA (RMSEA=0.07, CFI=0.89, TLI=0.87,and SRMR=0.07) in two separate subsamples and CFA (RMSEA=0.06, CFI=0.92, TLI=0.90,and SRMR=0.06) in the total sample indicated the construct validity of the refined Student-SERM, including