All You Need to Know About Liposuction

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At times it is difficult to get rid of the extra fat in certain parts of your body in spite of a good diet and exercise regimen. That is when you may consider liposuction. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is used to remove the excess body fat stored in certain parts of your body t

This procedure is practiced by an experienced plastic surgeon. The main areas that are treated are the hips, belly, thighs, back, under the chin, breasts, abdomen, and the face to enhance the shape. The process is also called body contouring as it smoothens and corrects the contours of the body where irregularities and uneven bulges exist.

Types of liposuction procedures:

Tumescent liposuction 

Tumescent liposuction is the most commonly used procedures for liposuction. The process involves injecting a large amount of medicated solution in the areas of the body where liposuction has to be performed and the excess fat removed. This medicated fluid comprises local anesthesia, with epinephrine used to make your blood vessels contract and minimize bleeding and make the local anesthesia safer. The solution used is either intravenous salt solution or Ringer's lactate.

The fat is sectioned out with the fluids using cannula which are like metal straws with closed, blunt end and side holes. The volume removed is about half or less than the fluid injected.

The super-wet technique

This technique is said to be very similar to the tumescent liposuction procedure. The only difference between these methods is that the super-wet technique does not use much of the fluid. The amount of fluid that is used in this procedure is equal to the amount of fat that is to be removed. 

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL)

The procedure of Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses ultrasonic vibrations to turn the fat cells present in your body into liquid form. After the change of fat form, the cells are vacuumed out of the body. This procedure takes place in two ways. The first way is external which happens above the surface of the skin. The second procedure is internal which happens below the surface of the skin. One of the popular ones is Vaser which uses an internal ultrasound probe to liquefy the fat before sectioning it.

This technique is extremely helpful to remove fat from dense areas of a patient’s body. These areas can be the upper back or enlarged male breast tissue. The UAL procedure is mostly used with the tumescent technique liposuction.

Laser-assisted liposuction (LAL)

This technique of liposuction surgery uses laser energy to turn the fat cells into a liquid form present in your body. After the liquefaction process the fat cells are sectioned out. Sometimes these liquefied cells are allowed to drain out through small tubes. The tubes that are used during this procedure are smaller than the ones which are used in traditional liposuction surgery procedures.

Surgeons often prefer using the LAL or UAL technique for areas of loose skin as well. These areas include the chin, neck and arms UAL and LAL have an advantage over other liposuction procedures as the energy from the laser stimulates collaged which helps to contract and maintain the skin structure. The collagen also prevents skin sagging after the surgery.

What you should know before you make a decision.

The first step is to have a detailed discussion with your surgeon about your concerns and how the procedure may affect you. Understand the risks, the benefits, the possible side effects and expected benefits from the procedure. The results can be very gratifying for the right candidate when the procedure is done well with the right technique by an experienced surgeon.

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