利用心智圖的方式規劃出頁面之間的連接關係,確保層級架構是舒適、不繁瑣的,並且注意效能、體驗是否足夠優秀,才不會影響到使用者體驗。另外,還有安全性的工程問題需要注意。 When backlinks and content remain the dominant Consider Web optimization, over the past few years Google seems to are actually transferring in direction of user comments indicators like engagement, retention and bounce premiums. 常見的範例像是,網軍透過大量假帳號操弄輿論散播假訊息以誤導使用者。或者在部落格文章、新聞報導、社群媒體貼文等下面留下與主題無關、廣告性質或包含惡意連結的垃圾評論。 White hat guidance is mostly summed up as making content for buyers, not for search engines, and after that making that material conveniently accessible to the net "spider" algor