The biomonitoring showed a significant difference for PCB 74 with N= 94 (45%); for PCB 114 with N = 64 (31%) and for PCB 99 and PCB 105 with N = 23 (11%) and N = 19 (9%) of 210 measurements above the reference value compared to the general population (5%). The all over detection frequencies (µg/L plasma median | SD | min |max) of these congeners were as followsPCB 74 0.128 | 0.481 | less then LOD | 3.098; PCB 990.035 | 0.078 | less then LOD | 0.582PCB 105 0.005 | 0.031 | less then LOD | 0.307; PCB 1140.005 | 0.024 | less then LOD | 0.1